Monday, June 7, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Saturday, 29 May 2010 - We spent it at Houston Premium Outlets. This time, we made it a point to shop for adult stuff, and to our delight, we managed to enter more shops compared to previous visits to the Outlets. Ethan had fun in a kiddy car stroller that we rented, as well as the playground there.

Sunday, 30 May 2010 - We invited friends over for lunch.

Ethan didn't really play with Valentina, our friends' toddler daughter who's 3 months younger than Ethan.

He didn't do too well in sharing his toys too. But well, these are expected of toddlers at this age; Ethan's 19.5months then. Interestingly though, he tried to hug Valentina. But alas, he's just too fast for us to snap a shot of that.

Ethan was too distracted to have a proper lunch and instead preferred cake at afternoon tea.

Here are some other photos from that day.

Monday, 31 May 2010 - We did groceries at Central Market, and upon getting home, Ethan came down with a fever. It lasted till Wednesday, and our consolation is that it's a "clean" recovery (no cough, or cold etc) Thank God.