Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Time flies...

Yuling: Boy, time really flies. 2008 is ending in a couple of days, Lionel and I have just celebrated our 1st year wedding anniversary over a week ago, and Ethan is now 11 weeks old! Over the past month, we've had quite a number of noteworthy experiences. It's a pity that we hadn't blogged about them meticulously. Here are the prominent ones.

So there was Ethan's 1st month celebration. Following that, there were 2 more blood tests (bringing the total to 5) that he had to go through before the pediatrician was convinced that Ethan's jaundice was on the road to recovery. It was heart-wrenching to see Ethan's face go red and contorted in pain and shock whenever his blood was drawn. We were really reluctant to send him for the 5th drawing, but the doctor insisted. Ethan's extended jaundice condition was diagnosed to be "breastmilk jaundice" finally, and it totally vanished only when he was about 7 weeks old.

Then there was this one night, I can't remember when, where we were worried sick because Ethan was suffering from a terrible noseblock. It prevented him from sleeping soundly throughout the night, and he was irritated by it. I pretty much held him in my arms overnight, and Lionel was surfing the Internet for relief measures of nose congestion in babies at 3am. We were extremely thrilled and relieved when we managed to flush the blockage out a few days later. Little Noses by Little Remedies Sterile Saline Nasal Mist is such a wonderful product! That same incident left us in deep surprise too for we had not thought it was possible for young babies to be have such large pieces of dried mucous formed in their little noses. Ethan might have had to bear a nasty gush of salt water running through his nose, his outburst of crying is evidence of his discomfort, but he most certainly felt happy and comforted to be able to breathe smoothly and easily through his nose thereafter. Not forgetting, we too, started to breathe easier, knowing he could sleep better that day. By the way, we even took shots of the dried mucous, but nah... we shan't post them up.

On 5 Dec, Ethan had his 1st major set of vaccinations. He's now protected from whooping cough, tetenus, diptheria, meningitis, polio and rotavirus. More vaccines to come his way in a few weeks' time.

And despite being breastfed, Ethan fell sick. It could have been brought about because of the change in climate - winter set in - or Lionel could have passed on a virus to him. For some time, both father and son were sick. Ethan had to cope with a blocked nose (again!) and phlegmy cough. There was little that we could do to make him more comfortable; we had to let the virus run its course. Essentially, we ran an air filter at night in the room, and kept his head elevated when he slept. He took a few days to recover fully, and according to a doctor friend that we have, Ethan could have taken it worse if not for the breastmilk that he was receiving. I was glad to learn this.

It was also due to this bout of viral attack that we started allowing Ethan to sleep on our bed. He certainly seems to enjoy those hours when he slept next to us! Nevertheless, we are mindful not to let this become a habit. This practice of letting a young infant sleep with adults simple isn't safe. Our comforter or pillows could suffocate him by accident!

Ethan turned more wakeful and interactive around 8 weeks of age. He gave his 1st real smile sometime around then, and also started cooing. The sounds he makes are ever changing, and we can tell that he is capable of producing more varied and purposeful cries. It's fun, and satisfying, to be able to make him smile/laugh and to identify what he needs through his cries.

Baby skin is really sensitive. We've seen Ethan with pimples, and white spots due to immature sweat glands. And most recently, reddish rough patches on both his cheeks. According to the pediatrician, that was a form of eczema. Under the doctor's recommendations, we have used Vaseline to relieve the roughness; that tip has proved to be really useful, especially in the dry weather that we have these days.

On Christmas Eve, we had our 1st go at attending church service as a family. Within 10 minutes of joining the main congregation, we found ourselves packing up and heading for the Cry Room; essentially a room to house irritated kids. For Ethan, he was jolted awake by the loud worship music and his hunger cues came on as well. We figure that for these few initial months, we would be listening to the sermon very often in the Cry Room.

28 Dec marks the 1st official studio portrait taking for Ethan. The whole experience was tiring but fun. Ethan was fairly cooperative, in terms of posing for the camera, and we had a few nice shots captured. We are looking forward to collect the prints in Jan, and sharing them with our folks back in Singapore.

And the latest physical development in Ethan? He started to bring his hand to his mouth in a part licking, part suckling manner. And he enjoys it. Perhaps, just as websites suggest, this is a way that he is trying to soothe himself. More to observe over the next few days/weeks! And I'll try filming or capturing this action on camera when the chance arises!

On an ending note, just want to say that both Lionel and I love to cuddle Ethan. Ethan's really nice to hug, with his baby fat and all. And he's getting more and more adorable!!!